So, here's the first post. I know Josh Waggoner started a blog like this just before his death, and I thought it was such a great idea, I wanted to continue it. And just so you know, I didn't know Josh, but anytime someone in the rollerblading scene dies, it's always tragic. And, everything I've heard about Josh has been nothing but amazing, and I wish nothing but the best to his family.
What do I hope to accomplish with this blog? Well, I want to keep everyone updated on news on skating in Atlanta, as well as some DVD reviews, new park/skate reviews, etc. But first, I think a you should know a few things about me.
My name is also Josh. I'm 26 years old and have lived in Atlanta for about 6 years now. I started rollerblading when i was 16/17. I quit when I was around 19 for no real reason that I can think of. Recently, a friend of mine, Tony, got out of the Air Force, and moved to Atlanta. He wanted to start skating again, so he my friend James and I bought new skates (James, Tony, and I used to skate together in high school), and shortly after, so did Tony, and we all started skating again. So, I haven't really been part of the Atlanta area scene for too long, but it's a scene I've quickly become passionate about. Everyone, literally, I have met skating has been nothing but super nice to myself and my friends, and we've quickly made a ton of new friends. Also, growing up in the small towns of Ozark and Enterprise, Alabama, we didn't have too many places to skate, and Atlanta is just exploding with spots and parks. It's absolutely amazing.
So, that's about it. James and I will be posting to the blog as often as possible with whatever we can find that pertains to rollerblading. The first will be a review of Duncan Creek Park, which I went to for the first time yesterday. Also, James and I will be going to Superhick on June 6th, and will have tons of picture and hopefully some video.
So, keep reading. And any ideas you have for the site, feel free to let me know!